New Year’s Eve Recipes: Roasted Red Pepper Dip & Two Herb-Infused Cocktails

Spicy appetizers and herb-savvy drinks for jazzing your way into the New Year are right at your fingertips with a few of Phoebe Canakis’ New Year’s Eve recipes. Canakis is the name behind Phoebe’s Pure Food, where she celebrates local and healthy eats through her blog, magazine, and online pantry as well as new blogging…

Deck Those Halls: The Charm of Great Local Décor

Greenery known so well in December is ready to become cozily arranged local decor in your home. Wolff’s Apple House can help with that, especially if you’re looking for Christmas trees with the best quality and Pennsylvania-growing in the history of their trunks and needles. Christmas trees at Wolff’s are sourced from Hill Farms in…

Soups and Prepared Foods: Go-To Grabs that Go Great around the Holidays

Soups and other prepared foods are something you can easily pick up at Wolff’s Apple House to suit colder-season temperatures as they make their way into chillier months. And these are also great around holidays, thankfully. Wolff’s own chef, Chuck Smith, reflects thoughtfully on the value of soups before and into winter. “Soups in general…

Splendid Thanksgiving Sides: New Twists and Old Traditions

Thanksgiving is a day when many pots are bubbling on the stove, cutting boards are strewn across counter tops, the fragrance of herbs lingers on the cook’s hands, and a tasting spoon always produces delicious samples.  This creative chaos itself is an occasion for gratitude.  As we boil, chop, grate, and mash, we partake in…

Repurposing Pumpkins and Delighting in Slices of Pumpkin Roll

Pumpkins are wonderfully alluring in autumn, but repurposing makes them interesting on a whole other level aside from how we often look at them as Jack-O-Lantern-bound or warmly baked into pie, bread or pumpkin roll (but we’ll let the anticipation of palate-worthy bites of pumpkin roll simmer for a little while.) For those who have…

Unique Ideas for Carving and Decorating Pumpkins

The pumpkin supply is bursting from all corners of Wolff’s Apple House. Roswell Henderson, the assistant manager for Frecon Farms in Boyertown, Berks County, has a great affinity for turning pumpkins into the unexpected and amusingly surprising outside of homes. “Pretty much every other customer is coming in to buy pumpkins or ask questions about…

roasted broccoli

Revving Up with Roasted Broccoli in Autumn

Broccoli has a lot of possibilities per bite, and Phoebe Canakis of Phoebe’s Pure Food in Lancaster County has a simple, palate-rich recipe of Roasted Broccoli that works great with broccoli available at Wolff’s Apple House in autumn. The pairing of cauliflower is always another add-on option, too. For many years, Canakis published an online…

Stayman-Winesap Apples in Apple Crisp

Stayman-Winesap apples are now ready for the charming delight of chomping at Wolff’s Apple House. In its historical context, the Stayman-Winesap apple is usually deemed a seedling of the heirloom Winesap apple, taking its introduction from Dr. Joseph Stayman in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1866. Dr. Stayman grew up in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania and practiced medicine…

Neck Pumpkins and Their Persuasion

The great lure of neck pumpkins is under way at Wolff’s Apple House. Their curiously elongated shapes and lighter hues compared to traditional pumpkins make them an easy game of I Spy for the eyes. Neck pumpkins are an ancestor of butternut squash, which is known for so many cooking and baking recipes today. When…

Getting into Fall Gardening and Decorating

The possibilities of fall gardening and decorating are now under way; the colors of autumn so iconic to the outside of homes as the weather cools down after summer beckon easily for the eyes at Wolff’s Apple House. Bloom-boasting hardy mums, asters, Montauk daisies, brightly cheerful pansies, cabbage, kale, hay bales, decorative corn stalks, gourds…

Fresh Indian Summer Salsa is Savvy in September

As a fitting segue in saying adieu to the heat of August while saying hello to September, a Fresh Indian Summer Salsa crafted from ingredients at Wolff’s Apple House is a great food-geared introduction to this autumn. The recipe, put together by Wolff’s marketing consultant, Rachel VanDuzer, incorporates not only tomatoes but peaches, corn and…

Labor Day Picnic Possibilities and Some Feisty Guacamole

While Fran, Pete and Ashley Wolff work every Labor Day, they’re grateful for the opportunity to help people appreciate their goodbye to summer with great foods and ideas for good spots for picnics. And they like that they close at 4 p.m., too, so they can get together with the rest of their family as…