It’s easy to start an herb garden right in your kitchen, and we have several varieties of potted culinary herbs available. It’s still a bit early to plant many of the varieties outside, but you can get them started on your windowsill. We have everything you need from the pots & organic soil to the herbs themselves, as well as seeds if you want to start them yourself!
NEW herb arrivals for the week of 3/15/2013:
- Borage
- Catnip
- Lemon catnip
- Celery leaf
- Chamomile
- Chervil
- Chives
- Garlic chives
- Delfino cilantro
- Bronze fennel
- Apple mint
- Black peppermint
- Chocolate mint
- Curly crispa mint
- Mint julep
- Orange mint
- Pineapple mint
- Hot & spicy oregano
- Creeping rosemary
- Berggarten sage
- Purple sage
- Sorrel
- Lime thyme
- Nutmeg thyme
Plus, we also have the following selection of herbs:
Sweet Basil
- Lavender
- Munstead
- Kew Red
- Hidcote Blue
- Oregano
- Italian
- Greek
- Verigated
- Common
- Golden
- Thyme
- English
- Common
- Garden
- Sage
- Peppermint
- Spearmint
- Cilantro
- Sweet Marjoram
- Curly Leaf Parsley
- Italian Parsley (Flat leaf)
- Rosemary
- Arp
- Officinalis
And the following herb seeds:
- Italian Genovese
- Italian Large Leaf
- Nopoletano
- Purple
- Borage
- Arugula
- Chervil
- Chamomile
- Cilantro
- Dill
- Cumin
- Greek Oregano
- Fennel
- Curly Leaf Parsley
- Italian Parsley (Flat leaf)
- Cat Nip
- Cat grass