Reflections from Fran

I’ve always said the two most important things in a family business are family and business, and in that order. Ups and downs in the family can’t help but create ups and downs in the business. The last few years have seen some challenges for the Wolff Family. Most notably, my brother and business partner Peter left this world too soon after losing a battle with cancer in 2015, at only 59. Although I profoundly miss him, he is with us here at the market in spirit and energy every day.

Everyone who knew Peter saw firsthand his absolutely unquenchable energy and vitality that he approached life with every single day. I am so proud to have accepted the torch from Pete, and I am now charged with carrying it safely to the next generation. And, the most satisfying part is that the family business, started in 1910, still has family. Peter was 14 years older than I and my niece Ashley is 14 years younger. She and I, along with my nephew Jamie (28) are now at the helm, embracing this wonderful opportunity to steer Wolff’s into its second century of business.