Think of your favorite soup…
What does it smell like? What does it taste like? What texture does it have? Is it uniform and velvety on the tongue?
There is no correct answer to these questions. Actually, I would venture to guess that there are as many different answers as there are people reading this.
What is it about soup that so beckons us to retreat from our daily wanderings and move, sage-like, toward the stove top in search of those wonderful aromas?
There is an art to making soup. But it is only partly a culinary art. Rather, soup is rendered through the art of patience and intuition. Historically, soup was a way to expand what little sustenance there was in order to feed the many. As the long cold months slugged along, soup was a way to enliven and extend the life of what items remained in the root cellar. It was a peasant food. Yet through abundance and decadence, soup made its way onto the tables of the wealthiest diners. It became refined. Vegetables were sculpted. Broths were reduced and clarified. Strange and foreign spices and aromatics were introduced.
Through all of the various alterations, soup remained popular for one reason. It was, and still is, delicious.
When combined with toasted bread or crisp croutons, it becomes an explosion of textures. With the addition of cream it becomes silky smooth. There are countless variations and recipes.
Currently, we have reintroduced only a handful of the fifteen soups due to hit the shelves this fall and winter. Ranging from rich and hearty to smooth and fragrant, Wolff’s is prepared to satisfy your every craving. Let us supply the soup and the patience. So you can just enjoy.