Beets and beet green pasta

Yes, You Can Eat Beet Greens (Try Them in This Pasta)

“What can you do with the carrot tops?” I asked a farmer who was standing behind her farm’s table at a farmers market. I held up a bouquet of carrots with lacy greens attached. This was about nine years ago, when I had just made a commitment to buy my food from local farmers whenever…

Modifying Recipes to Cook with the Seasons

Summer in Pennsylvania, for me, means swimming in my parents’ pond. Or at least hanging out on the dock with the adults and drinking iced tea while the kids swim. A few of my friends’ and relatives’ kids have waded into the pond sporting inflatable “swimmies” on their arms. Remember those things? The way they…

Canter Hill Farm: Starting a ‘Beyond Organic’ Farm from Scratch

Some farmers have farming in their blood.  Knowledge of agriculture and of the joys, hardships and value of farming have been passed down through generations, and the family tradition continues.  Increasingly, however, people who have not grown up on farms are learning to homestead, raise livestock and grow produce for their communities.  They want to…

Grilled Spanish Corn from Wolff’s Own Chef

If you’ve visited the prepared foods section at Wolff’s Apple House and seen delicacies like Apple BBQ Pulled Pork, Roasted Chicken Romaine Salad, Best Broccoli Salad and hummus in all kinds of flavors, then you know that we have an innovative, committed chef.  Chuck Smith, the chef at Wolff’s, has developed our mouth-watering, nutritious prepared…

Tomato Spinach Pasta: Making it On My Own

Meals that I made when I moved into my first apartment stay in my memory and remain my favorites.   Frying up an omelet and adding anything I had on hand– caramelized onions, tomatoes, sometimes even corn or black beans– was a sign not just of creativity but of independence.  Being resourceful meant that I was…

Behind the Scenes of Wolff’s Chef-Made Prepared Foods

Since the summer of 2010, our chef Chuck Smith has been creating delectable new recipes for Wolff’s Apple House. He studied at Baltimore International College and apprenticed at Jeannier’s, a classic French restaurant in Baltimore. No stranger to the benefits of local and in-season produce, he has volunteered at an East Coast organic farm and…